Companies and organizations can deploy a snap online poll or questionnaire to a group of respondents throughout Nigeria who have agreed to participate
in a paid panel survey. This helps marketers and researchers to quickly and cheaply gauge opinions, beliefs,
tastes, usage and preferences in an objective way across Nigeria.
Nnebe Opinion Panel members are profiled according to the following:
- Demographic (age, gender, ethnicity, region, marital status)
- Attitudes (religion, political interest)
- Media (radio, newspapers, magazines, TV)
- Technology (mobile phone, computer, stereo)
- Financial (bank account, insurance, mortgage)
Surveys are conducted completely online with people contacted at random to form a representative sample of the target population.
To protect the privacy of the respondent, information on their name, contact information and opinions are kept strictly confidential with answers combined with the overall group and reported as statistical summaries.